LET’S TALK (305) 274-5319

Give us 20 minutes and we’ll show you higer returns and lower overhead

Coding Audit and code cleaning

Let Better Management Services do your clean billing

Prior to charge capture, in order to determine accuracy, our data entry clerks perform an audit reviewing codes, diagnoses listed by the provider, medical reports, and CMS guidelines.

Electronic claims are inspected by our system for possible coding errors prior to submission by using updated coding edits and database of insurance carrier claim requirements.

Collect More and faster, Spend less, Minimize your Liability.

(305) 274-5319

Give us 20 minutes and we’ll show you higher returns and lower overhead.

Better Management Services LLC
Medical Billing and coding services.

(305) 274-5319
9485 SW 72nd Street, Suite A295, Miami FL 33173