LET’S TALK (305) 274-5319

Give us 20 minutes and we’ll show you higer returns and lower overhead

Payment Posting Services

Never again miss a payment posting deadline!

Efficiency is increased and the workload associated with making payments is decreased by using electronic remittances, posting denials, and monitoring modifications to fee schedules.
Additionally, it makes it easier to assign tasks, automate secondary billing, and reply swiftly to denied and underpaid claims.

The following issues are associated with payment posting, but we can handle them for you.

  • Due to the inability to match and manage explanation of benefits (EOBs), payments, and submitted claims, inefficiencies and lost revenues have resulted.
  • EOB terminology complexity and variance, diversity, exceptions and denials, and a number of payers.
  • Payment posting inaccuracy leads to inaccurate patient statements and low patient satisfaction.
  • excessive unallocated payments with credit balances on the accounts that are not investigated.
  • incorrectly posted adjustments and denials that cost money.
  • Services for Posting Payments for Legacy Consulting
  • Your team won’t have to deal with the tiresome procedure of payment posting because we are qualified to handle it.

The following payment posting services are all provided by us.

  • Request copies of the client’s EOBs, insurance checks, and patient checks.
  • Obtain direct deposit notifications.
  • Download ERAs from payer websites and/or access ERAs there.
  • To make sure that all payments are posted, manage ERAs rather than direct deposits.
  • Post payments in the billing software (manual or electronic).
  • Get immediate access to exceptions for quicker processing and payment recovery.
  • Change the paper EOB to an electronic version.
  • Obtain 835s that have HIPAA approval.
  • Utilize denial management tools to help with reporting for denial management.
    Establish payor-specific permissible fee schedules to help with the tracking of the accuracy of rejection and adjustment posting.
  • Transform comment codes into ANSI standard replies
  • Provide crucial analytics, such as:
  • Management of denials reports.
  • Claim denials broken down by category, region, payer, provider, account, and patient.
  • Dashboard reports for quick analysis of payer and EOB problems.
  • Report on the management of adjustments and a six-month trend analysis of non-contractual adjustments
  • Analyze the postings and provide trended cash reports.

Collect More and faster, Spend less, Minimize your Liability.

(305) 274-5319

Give us 20 minutes and we’ll show you higher returns and lower overhead.

Better Management Services LLC
Medical Billing and coding services.

(305) 274-5319
9495 SW 72 Sreet, Suite B180
Miami FL 33173